Chiropractic for pain relief
Are you experiencing an uptick in neck or back pain? Are your symptoms worsening now that the temperatures have dropped? You may be suffering from seasonal aches and pain that could be alleviated by using chiropractic for pain relief. Chiropractic and massage care are...
November Early Winter Driving
Hey All! Welcome back to my blog page. As we have seen the winter time season has made an early debut. Our November weather is breaking records nation wide for low temperatures. While we get out our hats, gloves, and snow pants let’s not forget about our cars!...
Burnsville Massage Therapy Specials
South Metro Wellness Clinic will be having another birthday soon! We hope you will come help us celebrate this precious anniversary with our upcoming Burnsville Massage Therapy Specials! Once again our classic buy one get one hour special will be offered the entire...
Chiropractor- The Orthodontist of the Spine
This classic concept goes back to the Law of Maintenance Post I did last year. The lesson there was if you don’t take care of the things you value in life, you’ll wish you had when you no longer have them. Maintenance is the law of life. The most common...