Chiropractic treatment for stress management
Tune in today for a brief explanation of how chiropractic treatment effectively reduces stress and the stress...
SELF CARE: Neck stretching tutorial
Join Dr. Rankin today with a short visual demonstration in stretching your neck’s natural range of motion and additional shoulder exercises. This is an easy way to focus on stress relief and can be done anywhere by persons of any age. Thank you for watching and...
The Wall Posture- a classic postural exercise
The wall posture is a classic at home exercise that can help anyone with poor posture extend the benefits of their chiropractic care. It is a deceptively easy exercise and if it is done properly will make a person feel “off” in the beginning. Follow...
Young People- This is why your neck hurts. ALL THE TIME!!
Dr. Rankin of South Metro Wellness Clinic references how poor posture due to excessive cell phone usage leads to neck pain. A change in posture is largely supported by chiropractic care but overall a person’s habits will determine the success of making those...
Postural care for young people
Dr. Rankin of South Metro Wellness Clinic discusses postural care for young patients. Many people under the age of 30 suffer from conditions that are aggravated and even caused by poor posture which starts developing in childhood. Today we take a closer look at those...
Bonus video low back pain series: Pelvic dysfunction
As a follow up to our lumbar dysfunction series Dr. Rankin will educate on another condition related to low back pain but treated differently. This is the pelvic dysfunction that carries a different set of signs and symptoms needing a different style of treatment....
Part III low back pain and chiropractic treatment
Dr. Rankin finished the low back pain series with part three: low lower back pain across the belt line- it’s causes and complications. Also, affordable comfort options for low back pain relief for those unable to attend visits at this...
Chiropractic for low back pain part II Lumbar segment 3 (L3)
Dr. Rankin of South Metro Wellness Clinic describes how pain and dysfunction arise from problems with lumbar number 3. Chiropractic treatment helps reduce and can eliminate low back pain in many patients who present for care before advanced care is...