Chiropractic treatment for low back pain.

Chiropractic treatment for low back pain.

Dr. Rankin of South Metro Wellness Clinic describes a common often over looked cause of low back pain that goes untreated. A multiple tiered level of examination can reveal areas of the spine that lead to insidious low back pain. If detected and treated properly the...
Drink your tea!

Drink your tea!

Dr. Rankin talks the simplicity of tea drinking and some actual benefits. During the evolving situation in our environment it is important to remember the simple things that maintain one’s psyche. Please pass along any good energy you have to other’s who...
The Small Miracles that keep us healthy

The Small Miracles that keep us healthy

Dr. Rankin of South Metro Wellness Clinic of Burnsville MN talks about the small things we do to keep ourselves healthy by reducing stress. Among these are spinal hygiene, dental care, walking, and using common sense. Measures taken to be well when done consistently...
We’re Open!

We’re Open!

We’re Open! Dr. Rankin of South Metro Wellness Clinic in Burnsville MN is open for appointments for people in pain or after car accidents. These services are essential to keeping patients out of the ER or urgent care facilities where they will experience long...
Dr. Rankin talks Kid Stuff!

Dr. Rankin talks Kid Stuff!

Dr. Rankin talks about Jr. practice members and reasons to come to the chiropractic office aside from poor posture, accidents, or traditional wellness. These include less common but a list of growing concerns for today’s youngsters. ADD, ADHD, various degrees of...


14031 Burnhaven Dr. Suite 100
Burnsville, Mn 55337



Phone: 952-892-5006
Fax: 952-892-5008