Happy Holiday Season!
Thanks for joining us today! Introducing the holiday season with our first giveaway announcement. Make sure to call us if you were thinking about becoming a new patient or would like us to check on your insurance benfits before the end of the year. Yours, Dr....
Happy Thanksgiving- thank you for supporting us!
Thank you for joining us today as we take a break from work with our “non-topic” discussion. Enjoy your weekend and think of something simple that makes you happy. Mine is cherry pie and 1990’s comedy:) Best,...
SELF CARE TUESDAY- plus sneaky product review
Dr. Rankin of South Metro Wellness Clinic PLLC talks about self care reminders for this holiday season and for winter time in...
Why is chiropractic treatment frequency so Important?
It is easy to drop off in frequency when we feel better. Pain is a fantastic motivator- when it’s gone we forget we ever had a problem. Unfortunately losing treatment frequency results in losing the corrective care investment. Join us today while we re visit the...