Regular chiropractic care boosts immunity and natural anti histamine capabilities allowing the body to cope with allergies more effectively without drugs. I hope you enjoy the video today and of course my roses:) Best, Christine
Today we re visit the reasons we use supplements and whent it is a good time to decide to supplement our health and well being with a boost! Thank you for tuning in. Enjoy the video. -Dr. CR:)
Happy Spring All! Today we’re going to review the Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Soap we love and adore here at South Metro Wellness. This product is a definite repurchase for me as we have discovered more and more quality uses. This review is not sponsored. My...
This is a wonderful lip balm product from Dr. Bronner suitable for both genders for quality lip care. Try it! We buy ours from Amazon. This video is not sponsored in any way. This is my honest review. Thanks guys! CR:)