SELF CARE TUESDAY- plus sneaky product review
Dr. Rankin of South Metro Wellness Clinic PLLC talks about self care reminders for this holiday season and for winter time in...
Why is chiropractic treatment frequency so Important?
It is easy to drop off in frequency when we feel better. Pain is a fantastic motivator- when it’s gone we forget we ever had a problem. Unfortunately losing treatment frequency results in losing the corrective care investment. Join us today while we re visit the...
Back to the Basics
Today we re visit basics of change of season in preparation for Winter. Enjoy our review and Happy Voting Day:) Dr....
Dr. Bronner’s review and DEBT plus INTEREST: How your health works the same way.
Today we review another fabulous Dr. Bronner’s earth friendly soap product as well as discuss the clear example of the debt interest analogy we teach here in our practice when it comes to auto accident...
Dr. Bronner’s products review ACT II
Today we review the favorite product of the unboxing the rose scented body bar soap as well as the lip balm and follow up of last week’s review of the lavender liquid soap. I hope you enjoy our cheerful feedback! 🙂...
Today we review the Dr. Rankin experience with Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap in lavender scent. This soap was purchased as a gift from our videographer to help correct and protect skin affected by constant face mask use. I hope you like it! 🙂 Dr....
Dr. Bronner’s soap UNBOXING
Join our fun unboxing today of Dr. Bronner’s body bar soap, lip balm, and liquid soap. These products are organic and wax free. They have been known to reduce mild topical skin concerns associated with toxicity, inflammation, and irritation. Enjoy guys! Tune in...
Mental and Emotional stress
In today’s video we are reminded that mental and emotional fatigue play a role in creating abnormal postural patterns. Listen carefully today for a review in appropriate posture and remember to not downplay mental or emotional stress effects on your...