Other Benefits of Massage Therapy
To parlay on our body brain/gut connection theme here at South Metro Wellness, our video today revisits the additional benefits of massage therapy unrelated to pain relief. Thank you for watching! From our gut to yours, Dr. Rankin
UMZU Gut Support Bundle- Final Product Review
Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you:) Enjoy today’s video as we review how the UMZU products improve our gut health when used in conjunction. Your gut health is so important as it is the base of your life force, and when speaking in terms of nutrition...
ZUACV Probiotic with Apple Cider Vinegar First Impression Review
Today we review the initial results with combining the zuACV prebiotic with the Floracil50 probiotic. If you want to amplify your results for gut health and function by using probiotics, you may want to try this prebiotic to give it a boost. The difference for me was...
UMZU Gut health support bundle unboxing
Today we unbox the UMZU gut health bundle purchased directly from the UMZU website. This product bundle contains three products from the line all designed to support your gut health. Two of the products have been previously tested out and reviewed in their own videos....
UMZU Floracil50- Wellness Professional Unpaid Honest Review
Today Dr. Rankin reviews the probiotic Floracil50 with 8 strains of quality bacteria to support gut health and function. This product contains 30 capsules. This particular trial was 27 days before review was given.
Smell the Roses – how chiropractic care can reduce springtime allergy symptoms
Regular chiropractic care boosts immunity and natural anti histamine capabilities allowing the body to cope with allergies more effectively without drugs. I hope you enjoy the video today and of course my roses:) Best, Christine
Dr. Rankin’s experience with this colon gut cleanse supplement. Enjoy! CR:)
When do we use supplements?
Today we re visit the reasons we use supplements and whent it is a good time to decide to supplement our health and well being with a boost! Thank you for tuning in. Enjoy the video. -Dr. CR:)